2nd International Fire Information Conference
27 - 31 May 2002
Conference Days: 30 - 31 May 2002
The Tudor Room of the Imperial Hotel, Russell Square London, England
Co-Sponsored by:
international network for Fire Information and Reference Exchange
Fire Information Group UK
Conference Web Sites: www.figuk.org.uk and www.wpi.edu/Academics/Library/InFire/index.html
The Co-sponsors, inFIRE - the international network for Fire Information and Reference Exchange and the UK Fire Information Group, are information exchange co-operatives in the fire and loss prevention fields. These consortiums of fire and related fire industry libraries and information centres include information managers, professional librarians, information managers/officers, researchers and other interested parties and specialists involved in the acquisition and dissemination of fire information worldwide.
Monday May 27, 2002 - Optional Tour - Fire Service College Moreton-in-Marsh.
The first day will be a tour of the Fire Service College. The Fire Service College is located in the Cotswolds in central England and provides unique facilities for both practical and theoretical fire fighting, fire safety and accident emergency training www.fireservicecollege.ac.uk. A lunch will be available at the College.
Tuesday May 28, 2002 - Optional Tour - Tour British Library St. Pancras and British Museum, Museum Street, London
The second day involves tours of the new British Library at St. Pancras, London, and The British Museum including a visit to the Panizzi Reading Room. The British Library is the national library of the UK and includes: the library departments of the British Museum, the National Central Library, and the National Lending Library for Science and Technology, the British National Bibliography and the Office for Scientific and Technical Information, the India Office Library and Records and the British Institute of Recorded Sound www.bl.uk.
Wednesday May 29, 2002 - Optional Tour - London Fire and Emergency Services and London Fire Brigade Museum.
The third day will be tours of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, a light lunch will be provided, and London Fire Brigade Museum. The London Fire Brigade is the third largest firefighting organization in the world responsible for protecting people and property from fire within Greater London, which has a resident population of 7 million www.london-fire.gov.uk. The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority run the London Fire Brigade.
Welcome Reception
A get-together and welcome reception Sponsored by FIG, Fire Prevention Association and Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, opens the information conference on Wednesday evening May 29, 2002 in the Imperial Hotel Garden Atrium starting at 1800 - 1930.
Thursday, 30 May 2002 - Imperial Hotel, Russell Square - Conference Room. Conference Registration, Roundtable Discussions, Papers and Presentations.
Time |
Session |
0900 - 1000 | Conference Registration |
1000 - 1010 | Chairperson - Penny Morgan |
1010 - 1300 | Roundtable introduction of inFIRE and FIG Members with some presentations, coffee break will be included |
1300 - 1400 | Lunch |
1400 - 1450 | Overview of fire statistics - What do they really mean? - Where do they come from? - Are they comparable elsewhere? Glyn Evans - Fire Safety Adviser to the UK Fire Brigades Union |
1450 - 1540 | Creating Distance Learning Library Services for Illinois Firefighters: An Integrated Information Service with Online Firefighter II Certification Program. Lian Jin Ruan, Illinois Fire Service Institute |
1540 - 1600 | Coffee Break |
1600 - 1650 | Getting fire on the European political agenda - An overview February 2002 was a very successful fire safety seminar. September's terrorist assaults in the USA have affected virtually every branch of our fire safety community but other cross boundary concerns exist. Ian Targett and Dominic Church, Fire Safety Development Group, Westminster Advisers |
1650 - 1700 | Discussions |
1930 | Conference Dinner - at a restaurant in the Russell Square area. |
Friday, 31 May 2002 - Imperial Hotel, Russell Square - Conference Room. Papers and presentations. Final discussions and farewell. Conference close.
1000 - 1010 | Chairperson - Chris Dahms |
1010 - 1050 | Nailing ectoplasm to the wall - serials control and electronic journals. Serials control has been described as being like "nailing jello to the wall". Electronic journals add (or is it take away?) a whole new dimension to the librarian's life. Martha Gunnarson, WPI Library |
1050 - 1130 | Experience of a librarian involved in the development of ELID. Since April 2001 ANPI participates in the development of the electronic intervention map "ELID" Jeannine Driessens, ANPI - NVBB, Belgium. Also there is Jeannine's Paper |
1130 - 1150 | Coffee Break |
1150 - 1230 | Fire Officer Professional Development in the United States - A Varied History, Recent Developments, and Future Changes. Chris Neal, Director, Oklahoma State University Fire Protection Publications and Executive Director, International Fire Service Training |
1230 - 1250 | Discussions |
1250 - 1400 | Lunch |
1400 - 1440 | Travel and Tour Operators Risk Assessment programmes Colin McGregor, General Manager Health and Safety, Thomson Holidays and UK Federation of Tour Operators will look at the European legislation and the steps holiday tour operators such as Thomson take to ensure safety first. |
1440 - 1525 | Stewart Kidd, Consultant on "Fire in Heritage Buildings" Will give an overview of the subject and will cover statistics or lack of them! |
1525 - 1555 | Coffee Break |
1555 - 1645 | A Fire/Forensic consultant's work and information needs. Fire investigators need experience and knowledge of, and be trained in subjects as diverse as, firefighting, natural sciences, engineering, forensic medicine, police procedures, various aspects of criminal and civil law and psychology. Dr Roger Berrett, Practising Forensic Scientist |
1645 - 1700 | Final Discussion and Farewell |